BibleUp Demo

See BibleUp in action in the demos below.

Smart reference tagging

Jn 1:1-2, 5-7, 3:16 NLT, 19

Rom 1:17b AMP, 2:5-6 KJV

2 Ki 5

Highly customisable

Rev 21:1-5

Rom 1:17 LSV, 2:5-8 KJV

2 Ki 5 (Wiki)

The following article contains plain references until BibleUp is activated. Use the editor to configure BibleUp and see changes in real-time.

The Free Gift Of God (Salvation)

3 mins readsalvation

Salvation is the permanent solution Jesus gave for our reconciliation back to the Father. Salvation reconciles us back to the initial communion and fellowship the first man lost has a result sin through disobedience 2 Cor 5:18, Romans 5:10 Salvation breach the gap/separation sin caused, and it brings us to our rightful place in Christ with GOD.

What then is SIN?

Sin is a willing disobedience to the will of GOD. Sin is going against God’s commandment, and this have great consequences which includes spiritual death (Romans 6:23) and an inevitable separation from God.
Isaiah 59: "But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear". Fellowship and communion was lost Gen 3:8. Finally the dominion we once had over all things was rolled over to the devil (Luke 4:6)

Where did sin originate from?

Sin originated from the disobedience of the first man. Adam (the first man) was the pioneer of sin Romans 5:12,14. He and Eve disobeyed God and were sent out of the presence of God. Ever since then as atonement been made by animal sacrifices Lev 4:1-2000 which obviously wasn’t a permanent solution to reconciling the sinful nature of man and Holiness of God until JESUS came.

What must I do to be saved?

Out of His abundant love He freely gave us his only begotten son Jesus, The Rev 3:16, Romans 5:8, 3-5, 2 Cor 5:17-18. The only requirement needed for receiving the forgiveness of sins and for a new life in Christ is believing on the Son of God, and by confessing his name (Romans 10:9-10)

Related Scriptures

Romans 5, Romans 4, Romans 2:3-5, II Corinthians 3:18

BibleUp Editor


John 3:16

Select Options

Set any option to false or leave empty to get the default value. Check the docs for full documentation.

The preferred popup type.

The default Bible translation for references.

Enable dark theme on popup (this can be overridden by other background color).

Popup background and colors

Set color for overall popup background

Set background color for popup header (if it exists)

Set background color for popup version (if it exists)

Font color for popup header (if it exists)

The default font color for the popup

Font color for popup version (if it exists).

Set color for close button (if it exists).

Set border radius for popup (in units).

Set a drop shadow for the popup (using CSS syntax).

Set font size for all popup (in units)

Additional Options

Allow BibleUp match references in any letter case.

BibleUp won't tag element listed here.
Seperate these elements using a comma and put inside a square bracket.

Override the default elements ignored by BibleUp by placing them here.
Seperate these elements using a comma and put inside a square bracket.

Attach a specific HTML ID attribute to popovers and links