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Using buid โ€‹

buid makes it possible to use any arbitary string to target popovers and links when styling with CSS. The string is suffixed to bu-popup and used as an ID to help identify popups and links that are tied to a BibleUp instance.

For example, when the value is set to myCustom, the popup container will have ID bu-popup-myCustom and all links will conatin the class bu-link-myCustom.

let b = new BibleUp(element, {
  buid: 'myCustom'

<!-- The popover ID (bu-popup-{buid}) -->
<div id="bu-popup-myCustom" class="...">

<!-- links classname (bu-link-{buid}) -->
<a class="bu-link-myCustom">John 3:16</a>

Popups โ€‹

To target popups relating to the instance:

#bu-popup-myCustom {
    background: #3174EC;
    color: #fff;

#bu-popup-myCustom .bu-popup-header {
  /* custom styles */

#bu-popup-myCustom .bu-popup-version {
  /* custom styles */

To target anchor links relating to the instance:

.bu-link-myCustom {
  /* custom styles */

.bu-link-myCustom .bu-link {
    /* parent 'cite' element */

Specificity โ€‹

You may encounter may be specificity issues when overwriting popup children elements due to nested selectors. However, using buid will help you create a higher precedence and solve the issue.

Released under the MIT License.