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Methods โ€‹

create() โ€‹

This method is used to put BibleUp to work after passing the config options to an instance of new BibleUp. This method accepts no parameters and does not return any value. It is used to activate BibleUp.

const b = new BibleUp(element, options);

refresh() โ€‹

This method is used to re-engage BibleUp tagging with or without modifying the config option. It can be useful in any of these scenarios:

  1. To tag scriptures on new elements that were not on screen when the create() method was called. This is particularly useful when the DOM is manipulated via client-side rendering.

  2. To change BibleUp config on an instance without affecting already tagged scriptures. Thus, the popover style for a new BibleUp() instance can be modified without retagging scriptures.

The method accepts a BibleUp option, the element and force option as parameters - in that order.

b.refresh(option, force, element)

Parameters โ€‹

  1. options optional - This should be a valid BibleUp options object. It won't override the entire instance object but only the part that was modified. If not specified, the option specificed at instance will remain the same.

  2. force optional false - Setting this to true will allow the old options to be totally replaced with the new options. It is similar to setting a new instance option. The old popup will also be replaced by a new one based on the options you now use.

  3. element optional - This is the HTML element that BibleUp will search through. If not specified, the old element parameter on the BibleUp instance will be searched again, but previously tagged scriptures won't be affected.


When a new option object is passed to refresh() and force is set to false, only the property that was modified will be applied by BibleUp. For example, changing only version prop won't affect any styles and changing primary won't also affect other properties inside styles.

Code Example
const article = new BibleUp(document.body, {
  popup: 'inline',
  version: 'KJV'

// refresh 'article' instance
// change popup type to 'wiki'
  popup: 'wiki'


You can only call the refresh() method after previously calling create() on a BibleUp instance. Trying to refresh without previously activating BibleUp won't work as expected.

destroy() โ€‹

This method will remove all Bible reference links with or without destroying the popover.


Parameters โ€‹

  1. force optional false - If this is set to true, BibleUp will remove all links permanently and destroy the popover - all method will cease to work on the instance. If this is set to false, BibleUp will temporarily remove all links, but not the popup - calling refresh method will re-tag the bible references normally.


The destroy method can't be undone when force is true

// Wrong โŒโŒ
b.refresh() //error - can't re-tag refrences

// Right โœ…โœ…

getOptions โ€‹

This is a getter method to retrieve the current BibleUp config options. It returns all options as an object.

const b = new BibleUp(element, options);

Released under the MIT License.