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Guidelines โ€‹

Bible References โ€‹

BibleUp matches all references including abbreviated books (Jn 3:16, 1Ki 5:1). Apart from standard names, certain alias are also recognised and matched correctly.

However, we recommend that while writing an article with references, only the standard name of Bible books or their most popular abbreviated names should be used. Readers will better appreciate standard Bible references within your articles than an abbreviated one.

Format โ€‹

All references in the following format will be matched:

  • book chapter:verse (e.g, John 3:16)
  • book chapter:verse-verse-end (e.g, Matthew 7:7-8)

Always put a single space between the book and chapter and a colon between the chapter and verse.

If the reference is a range of verses, put a dash between verse and verse-end.


BibleUp reorders verse range that are not properly stated. For example, John 3:20-16 will display the text for John 3:16-20.

Multiple verses โ€‹

BibleUp can also match multiple verses correctly.

  • book chapter:verse, verse2 (e.g, John 3:16, 19)
  • book chapter:verse-verse-end, verse2-verse-end2 (e.g, Matthew 7:7-8, 24-26)

Multiple verses are matched against the preceeding chapter and must be seperated with a comma.

Multiple Chapters โ€‹

BibleUp can also recognise references with multiple chapters. For example, Romans 3:5, 2:1-3, 6-8 will be spotted to be made up of three parts: Romans 3:5, Romans 2:1-3 and Romans 2:6-8.

Books โ€‹

Books and abbreviations must begin with a capital letter. John 3:16 will be matched but not john 3:16.
We recommend the 3-letter abbreviation system when using abbreviations. This resource states them clearly.

Released under the MIT License.