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Usage โ€‹

After installation, create an instance of BibleUp by passing an HTML element and the required options object. BibleUp exposes a single class object - new BibleUp().

let bibleup = new BibleUp(element, options)
  • element - This is an HTML element containing Bible references. This could be the entire document.body or a particular element you want BibleUp to search through.

  • options - This object should contain all BibleUp options and configurations. BibleUp options will be discussed in the next section.

Put BibleUp to work by calling the create() method

let bibleup = new BibleUp(element, options);

BibleUp will now transform all valid Bible references to links. Hover or click on the link to get the Bible text ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

Usage Example โ€‹

For a minimal example of BibleUp options and usage:

let body = document.body
let bibleup = new BibleUp(body, {
version: "KJV",
popup: "classic",
darkTheme: false


Check the next section for the full list of option properties.

Released under the MIT License.